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Who We Are

 Helping people of all abilities

develop skills for their future! 

How we got started

Hello, my name is Tammy, I am the creator of growth through gaming. I initially started a simple D&D group as a way for my own special needs children to have more opportunities for social development. In that first group we found a wide range of people in age and ability all joining us for very similar reasons. For them it was something fun and a chance to socialize. I quickly realized that this simple group meet could become so much more. I put the word out about our group and that we would welcome new members and was amazed with the response. I have had so many parents and non-parents alike wanting to get involved for themselves and/or their children, as well as thanking me for doing this. I’ve heard stories of how they have looked for things like this to help build social skills. Since I am just a mom running this meet on my own. I did have to put age limits on this first group keeping it strictly for kids. I realized through all this that there is a need for more groups like ours for all age ranges and not just for the socialization but to help build so many other skills as well.

Skills such as:

  • Develop social skills: through interaction in the group

  • Promote creativity: through inventing their characters and creating story lines for the games

  • Learn problem solving skills: through overcoming obstacles they encounter in the games

  • Learn leadership skills: through leading their parties on their adventures

  • Develop conflict resolution skills: through working with other group members to solve a problem

  • Learn team building skills: through discussing situations with other team members to find best course of action in game situations.

  • And many more

I know I can not expand this all on my own, but with a little help and a few resources it can become something amazing. Thus, the idea for Growth through Gaming was born. Currently it is still very much in its early stages, but I am doing everything I can to get this up and going so that we will be able to host multiple game meets for all ages and using a variety of games throughout our area. I hope to set up a working model and method on how to run a group so that others will have the tools needed to set up groups of their own.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who are you? 

A: We are an organization dedicated to helping people develop life skills through playing group games. We are currently working toward establishing our corporation and getting our non-profit status.


Q: What types of games will you use?

A: To start with we will use a variety of board games and role-playing tabletop games. Currently we have a group of children using dungeons and dragons. In the future we would like to include video games and computer games making it possible for people with mobility issues or who are housebound to take part in groups.


Q: Who can join your groups?

A: At present we are only running one group for children 10 years old to 18 years old. As we grow and are able, we will expand this to include anyone of any age that needs it.


Q: Do you have therapists running the games?

A: Currently we do not have any licensed therapists working with us we are a fully parent run group. In the future we hope to have several working with our groups.


Q: What areas do you provide services to?

A: For the time being we run a group in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma with plans to expand throughout Oklahoma. In the future we would like to establish branches throughout the US.


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